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save data from input, to be used in dropdown later on

  • xoofoo
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6 years 7 months ago #161121 by xoofoo
Hi all,

Here is my question (I searched the forum, but could not find any related topic):

I have a question with a dropdown list.
If the respondent does not find their preferred option, the last item of the dropdown list is "other".
If the respondent chooses "other", I send them to a free text question where they can input their answer.

What I would like to do:
Save the answer which was entered in free text, and make it available as part of the dropdown list next time I run the survey.

Is there an easy way doing this?

Thanks a lot!!
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  • holch
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6 years 7 months ago #161123 by holch
This is nothing that can be done out of the box. From the questionnaire LS does not allow access to responses of other participants.

However, there are examples in the forum where people make Ajax calls to the database and provide similar things. But this will need custom coding from your side. So I guess no easy way to do this.

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  • xoofoo
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6 years 7 months ago #161126 by xoofoo
Thanks a lot for your quick answer!

I have a label set with the list of options.
I guess the easiest way (there should not be new options appearing everyday in my case) is to check daily the survey's result and update the label set with new entries manually.
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  • tpartner
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6 years 7 months ago #161142 by tpartner
Updating the label set will not affect surveys where you have already used it - it is not dynamic within existing surveys.

Tony Partner

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