Thanks to @Joffm for the hint to the reserved "self." and "that." (
). I read the manual and tried to apply these for this purpose (I want to use a specific column from a multi-column array as an array filter for a subsequent question), but that does not seem too easy (to me).
I took my example with n rows and 2 columns, ticked three items in column "X2" and tried functions sum, implode, join and list:
sum: {sum(that.q1.sq_X2.NAOK)} # gives 3
implode: {implode('', that.q1.sq_X2.NAOK)} # gives 111
join: {join(that.q1.sq_X2.NAOK)} # gives 111
list: {list(that.q1.sq_X2.NAOK)} # gives 1, 1, 1
These results do not look too bad. But the questions are:
(1) how does a variable for an array filter have to look like? 00110001110? or NNYYNNNYYYN? Or ...?
(2) Is there a function among the EM functions that could achieve this and transform a column in the necessary form?
(3) Could we use the output of a function like {func(that.q1.sq_X2.NAOK)} directly as an array filter variable?
Lots of questions here
Thanks a lot for your time!
Best, G