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Archetype test creation

7 years 9 months ago #151197 by BM1
Replied by BM1 on topic Archetype test creation
3) In the source of the question copy the following code and adapte the SurveyID_X_GroupID_X_QuestionID code
Where can I do this ? Can somebody help me please? :S survey ID is 329552 the question group ID is196 Question code Q1 (=same as question ID?)

<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
document.getElementById('answer89176X314X3005').value = "{ASSESSMENT_CURRENT_TOTAL}";

// Avoid possibility to change the assess value if the question is not hidden
$('#answer89176X314X3005').attr( "readonly","readonly" );

// Emule SUBMIT or NEXT button action
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

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