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Different versions of the questionnaire presented to participants

  • lefebvremarianne
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7 years 7 months ago #143895 by lefebvremarianne
I would like to use limesurvey for a web-based economic experiment. The experimental design is made of 8 different treatments, which means that I need 8 different versions of the questionnaire. I would like the first participant to log-in to see version 1, the second participant version 2...
Is that possible with Limesurvey?
Thanks for your answers
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  • Joffm
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7 years 7 months ago - 7 years 7 months ago #143899 by Joffm
Hi, Marianne,

Do you know who is the first, the second participant?
If YES: you can do this adding a TOKEN ATTRIBUTE and setting the relevance of your 8 groups (=8 treatments) to this token attribute.
If NO: That means, each participant has the chance to see one of the eight treatments. Regarding to your approach: only depending on the time he started the survey.
So why not just display the treatments randomly. In the first question create a random number (1-8) and set the relevance to that number.

This will avoid one interesting issue.
A respondents starts the survey, sees treatment 2, the next starts the survey, sees treatment 3, and then the first respondent (treatment 2) leaves the survey, closes his browser. And so your survey design is destroyed.
Here I suppose that this is possible at all.
Of course LS doesn't know what a different participant saw. This is a different record in the dataset.

In the past there were several threads about this "Has one respondent access to data of the previous respondents?"

Best regards

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Last edit: 7 years 7 months ago by Joffm. Reason: Typo
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