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Question in (current) date format

  • hanwerts
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7 years 8 months ago #142692 by hanwerts
Question in (current) date format was created by hanwerts
I want to program a question in date format in which I want to know when the user started a course. This in itself is an easy task. I use the drop down option in which the user can enter the full date or select day, month and year from a calendar.

I would like to compare the input from the user to a predefined date. The latter one is dynamic, i.e. it should be the current date, so it will change every day. I came up with the idea that the current date will be set using a hidden question which precedes the date question presented to the user.

How can I set the current date in a hidden question and use it in the next date question? And how can I validate that the input from the user will be in the past (i.e. lower than current date from the hidden question)?
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7 years 8 months ago #142696 by jelo
Replied by jelo on topic Question in (current) date format

hanwerts wrote: How can I set the current date in a hidden question and use it in the next date question?

{date('Y-m-d')} should work in a equation question.

You might calculate differences in e.g days and compare them.

The meaning of the word "stable" for users
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