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Basic Cross Tabs and Charting from Limesurvey

  • davebostockgmail
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7 years 9 months ago #141805 by davebostockgmail
Basic Cross Tabs and Charting from Limesurvey was created by davebostockgmail
Hi All

Long time reader, first time poster so please feel free to move this if this is not in the right place.

I have used Limesurvey for a few years now and found this forum to be of great help when faced with a tricky challenge so I thought it was time to share back with everyone. One of the things that I have found to be missing was a way to quickly interrogate the data in a real time way that allows for the data to be viewed in a traditional cross tab. I am not a developer / programmer but I know enough to google and cannibalize code to get to roughly where I need to be.

I came across an interesting jquery script called pivottable.js that allows for data to be loaded and then analysed in a visual way (includes basic charting as well) so I thought I would use this to display results from my survey.

As stated, I am not a programmer, so I did my best at using the API and a little php to generate a tool that works for this purpose... I am sure that there are many people who can take this and create something amazing ... more than the basic functionality I have got to.

So as a thank you for all the help others have given to me I am happy to share the work I have done so far .. it is in the attached Zip file.

Aside from the libraries there are 2 files.

1) Index.php - This is the page that calls the API to get the latest data, this needs you to go in and edit with your information
2) surveydash,php - This is page that uses the data (in CSV format) and then generates the dashboard. There is a place holder at the top to add a logo.

I hope at least one of you guys finds this useful.

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  • LouisGac
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7 years 9 months ago #141807 by LouisGac
Replied by LouisGac on topic Basic Cross Tabs and Charting from Limesurvey
Thanks a lot !
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