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Can I do it on mySurvey

  • gstjason
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9 years 9 months ago #119767 by gstjason
Can I do it on mySurvey was created by gstjason
I would like to design the survey in a better way so that respondents no need to answer those questions that are not relevant to them. Enclosed please find the draft survey questions for your reference.

Here is a brief background of the survey
- Respondents will take the survey after they finished our e-Learning course(s).
- As they can take max. 5 courses at a time, so I would like them to rate/ give feedback on Q1 to Q10 (compulsory questions) and/or Q11 to Q12 (optional questions) altogether in one survey.

My Problem/Question
If the respondent only take 1 course, then he/she will input text in “Course 1” (page 2 of the PDF file).
> But he/she needs to input “N/A” in the blanks marked “Course 2” to “Course 5”. And he/she also need to check the boxes “N/A” in Q1 to Q10 as they are compulsory questions.
> Same case will happen for those who are not taking 5 courses at a time

=>Are there ways to set “equations”/ “relevance”/ “logic”/ “conditions” in the questions/answers so that respondent no need to type/check “N/A” in the irrelevant part(s) in each question?
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  • tpartner
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9 years 9 months ago #119778 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Can I do it on mySurvey
Use a normal array type question for "How do you rate..." (not an array-by-column type) and apply an array filter - www.limesurvey.org/manual/Question_type_...r_.28array_filter.29

Tony Partner

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