Trying to build a survey that is very complicated in comparison to most of the other surveys that I have to create.
Survey asks for the name, DOB, relationship to the person filling it out, and another multiple choice question for the individual's parents and maternal and paternal grandparents (those relationships are mandatory) as well as siblings, aunts and uncles, and cousins.
I am trying to find a way to where I can re-ask the questions for all relationship types a variable number of times instead of limiting the person filling it out to "X" number of people of that particular relationship type.
For example,
I have 3 siblings, but I know two other people personally that have 15 siblings (not the same family). Instead of putting in all those questions for at least 15 siblings and having them show up based on them selecting that they have 15 siblings (where would the number cap be?) is there a way for them to say "Add another relative" and then they can select the relationship as many times as necessary and fill it out.
Secondary problem would be how would I store it all? Is there a way to store the answers to a Token Attribute?
If there is no looping, then the storage question is not a problem. I spent a few hours yesterday trying to find a workaround for this. Thank you though for your help.