================== LimeSurvey version: LimeSurvey Community Edition Version 6.10.0+250106  Own server, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, MariaDB ================== Hi all, I want to share some findings I made recently when setting up LimeSurvey on a VPS which might be helpful for some of you... I made very positive experience with Caddy in the past. It is a high performance, multiplatform webserver written in Go. By default, Caddy automatically obtains and renews TLS certificates for all your sites. Best of all: it is free and open source: https://caddyserver.com/features As it is able to connect to a PHP FastCGI server, I wanted to give it a try. Set setup is very easy and the performance is spectacular :-) Here is a short description how to do the setup on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS 1. Set up the database of your choice - MySQL or Postgres (I used MariaDB) sudo apt install mariadb-server -y sudo systemctl status mariadb  sudo systemctl enable mariadb  sudo systemctl restart mariadb  sudo mysql_secure_installation sudo mariadb > CREATE DATABASE lime; > CREATE USER 'lime'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword'; > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON lime.* TO 'lime'@'localhost'; > FLUSH PRIVILEGES; > SHOW DATABASES; 2. Install PHP sudo apt-get install php8.3-fpm -y sudo apt-get install  php8.3-cli php8.3-common php8.3-mbstring php8.3-xml php8.3-pgsql php8.3-gd php8.3-zip php8.3-ldap php8.3-imap -y sudo apt-get install php8.3-intl -y sudo apt-get install php8.3-mysql -y sudo systemctl stop php8.3-fpm sudo vi /etc/php/8.3/fpm/pool.d/www.conf Btw: you can use nano or the editor of you choice instead of "vi" change this line: pm.max_children = 15 sudo systemctl start php8.3-fpm sudo systemctl status php8.3-fpm Notice: do NOT install "php8.3", because it assumes, that a Apache server is already installed - the installation script will throw errors... 3. Download LimeSurvey: Download the current version of Limesurvey from https://community.limesurvey.org/downloads/ Unzip the file and move the directory "limesurvey" to /var/www/html sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html sudo mv limesurvey /var/www/html/ sudo chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/html/limesurvey/ 4. Install Caddy: sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https curl -y curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/caddy/stable/gpg.key' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/caddy/stable/debian.deb.txt' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list sudo apt update sudo apt install caddy -y Caddy should run now on port 80 showing a Testpage. sudo systemctl stop caddy Change the config file. sudo vi /etc/caddy/Caddyfile :80 {         root * /var/www/html/limesurvey         php_fastcgi unix//run/php/php8.3-fpm.sock         file_server } sudo systemctl start caddy sudo systemctl status caddy Caddy now connects via Unix-sockets to PHP FastCGI serving the LimeSurvey App. Caddy can do a lot more - you find the details in the Caddy docs. If your server is reachable on the internet you can replace ":80" with mysurvey.myserver.org. You have to set up a CN entry on your DNS before. No you can start to set up Limesurvey on http://localhost:80 or https://mysurvey.myserver.org/