class type/scale name relevance text help language validation mandatory other default same_default allowed_filetypes alphasort answer_width array_filter array_filter_exclude array_filter_style assessment_value category_separator choice_title code_filter commented_checkbox commented_checkbox_auto cssclass date_format date_max date_min display_columns display_rows display_type dropdown_dates dropdown_dates_minute_step dropdown_dates_month_style dropdown_prefix dropdown_prepostfix dropdown_separators dropdown_size dualscale_headerA dualscale_headerB em_validation_q em_validation_q_tip em_validation_sq em_validation_sq_tip equals_num_value equation exclude_all_others exclude_all_others_auto hidden hide_tip input_boxes label_input_columns location_city location_country location_defaultcoordinates location_mapheight location_mapservice location_mapwidth location_mapzoom location_nodefaultfromip location_postal location_state max_answers max_filesize max_num_of_files max_num_value max_num_value_n max_subquestions maximum_chars min_answers min_num_of_files min_num_value min_num_value_n multiflexible_checkbox multiflexible_max multiflexible_min multiflexible_step num_value_int_only numbers_only other_comment_mandatory other_numbers_only other_replace_text page_break parent_order prefix printable_help public_statistics random_group random_order rank_title repeat_headings reverse samechoiceheight samelistheight scale_export show_comment show_grand_total show_title show_totals showpopups slider_accuracy slider_custom_handle slider_default slider_handle slider_layout slider_max slider_middlestart slider_min slider_orientation slider_rating slider_reset slider_separator slider_showminmax statistics_graphtype statistics_showgraph statistics_showmap suffix text_input_columns text_input_width time_limit time_limit_action time_limit_countdown_message time_limit_disable_next time_limit_disable_prev time_limit_message time_limit_message_delay time_limit_message_style time_limit_timer_style time_limit_warning time_limit_warning_2 time_limit_warning_2_display_time time_limit_warning_2_message time_limit_warning_2_style time_limit_warning_display_time time_limit_warning_message time_limit_warning_style use_dropdown value_range_allows_missing S sid 226257 S owner_id 2 S admin James Carney S active N S expires 2018-05-21 07:05:00 S adminemail S anonymized N S format G S savetimings N S template Texture_janus_no_star S language en S datestamp N S usecookie N S allowregister N S allowsave Y S autonumber_start 54 S autoredirect N S allowprev N S printanswers N S ipaddr N S refurl N S datecreated 2018-05-30 S publicstatistics N S publicgraphs N S listpublic N S htmlemail Y S sendconfirmation Y S tokenanswerspersistence N S assessments N S usecaptcha N S usetokens N S bounce_email S tokenlength 15 S showxquestions Y S showgroupinfo B S shownoanswer N S showqnumcode X S bounceprocessing N S showwelcome Y S showprogress Y S questionindex 0 S navigationdelay 0 S nokeyboard N S alloweditaftercompletion N S googleanalyticsstyle 0 SL surveyls_title Sample_7 en SL surveyls_welcometext

This survey will ask you to give emotional ratings of 10 words. It should take about 4-5 minutes of your time. You will be paid GBP0.70 for your work, subject to it being of sufficient quality. Payment is calculated as a fraction of the UK living wage (GBP7.85 per hour).

This survey is being conducted by Texture AI in the interests of commercial research. Please direct any queries to

en SL surveyls_endtext

Thank you for your participation.

Please click the 'Completion URL' text below to register completion of study:

en SL surveyls_url en SL surveyls_urldescription Completion URL en SL surveyls_email_invite_subj Invitation to participate in a survey en SL surveyls_email_invite Dear {FIRSTNAME},

you have been invited to participate in a survey.

The survey is titled:


To participate, please click on the link below.



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If you are blacklisted but want to participate in this survey and want to receive invitations please click the following link:
{OPTINURL} en SL surveyls_email_remind_subj Reminder to participate in a survey en SL surveyls_email_remind Dear {FIRSTNAME},

Recently we invited you to participate in a survey.

We note that you have not yet completed the survey, and wish to remind you that the survey is still available should you wish to take part.

The survey is titled:


To participate, please click on the link below.



Click here to do the survey:

If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:
{OPTOUTURL} en SL surveyls_email_register_subj Survey registration confirmation en SL surveyls_email_register Dear {FIRSTNAME},

You, or someone using your email address, have registered to participate in an online survey titled {SURVEYNAME}.

To complete this survey, click on the following URL:


If you have any questions about this survey, or if you did not register to participate and believe this email is in error, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}. en SL surveyls_email_confirm_subj Confirmation of your participation in our survey en SL surveyls_email_confirm Dear {FIRSTNAME},

this email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating.

If you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} on {ADMINEMAIL}.


{ADMINNAME} en SL surveyls_dateformat 9 en SL email_admin_notification_subj Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} en SL email_admin_notification Hello,

A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.

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{STATISTICSURL} en SL email_admin_responses_subj Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} with results en SL email_admin_responses Hello,

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The following answers were given by the participant:
{ANSWERTABLE} en SL surveyls_numberformat 0 en G G0 ID 1 en Q S ID 1 Please enter your Prolific ID in the text box below: en N 1 1 300 500 11 1 1 12 1 G G1 insanity 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word insanity I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word insanity I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word insanity I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word insanity is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G2 paradise 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word paradise I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word paradise I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word paradise I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word paradise is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G3 joy 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word joy I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word paradise I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word joy I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word joy is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G4 rage 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word rage I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word paradise I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word rage I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word rage is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G5 terror 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word terror I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word terror I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word terror I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word terror is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G6 revulsion 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word revulsion I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word revulsion I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word revulsion I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word revulsion is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G7 sorrow 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word sorrow I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word sorrow I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word sorrow I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word sorrow is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G8 obsession 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word obsession I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word obsession I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word obsession I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word obsession is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G9 rejected 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word rejected I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word rejected I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word rejected I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word rejected is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G10 stove 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word stove I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word stove I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word stove I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word stove is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G11 wealthy 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word wealthy I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word wealthy I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word wealthy I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word wealthy is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G12 crude 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word crude I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word crude I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word crude I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word crude is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G13 savior 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word savior I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word savior I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word savior I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word savior is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G14 health 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word health I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word health I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word health I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word health is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G15 infection 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word infection I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word infection I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word infection I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word infection is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G16 distressed 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word distressed I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word distressed I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word distressed I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word distressed is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G17 drown 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word drown I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word drown I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word drown I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word drown is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G18 pain 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word pain I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word pain I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word pain I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word pain is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G19 confident 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word confident I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word confident I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word confident I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word confident is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G20 embarrassed 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word embarrassed I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word embarrassed I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word embarrassed I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word embarrassed is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G21 woman 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word woman I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word woman I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word woman I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word woman is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G22 slush 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word slush I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word slush I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word slush I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word slush is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G23 thought 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word thought I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word thought I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word thought I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word thought is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G24 nonsense 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word nonsense I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word nonsense I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word nonsense I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word nonsense is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G25 crime 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word crime I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word crime I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word crime I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word crime is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G26 noisy 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word noisy I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word noisy I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word noisy I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word noisy is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G27 nuisance 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word nuisance I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word nuisance I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word nuisance I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word nuisance is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G28 inspire 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word inspire I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word inspire I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word inspire I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word inspire is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G29 runner 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word runner I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word runner I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word runner I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word runner is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G30 evil 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word evil I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word evil I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word evil I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word evil is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G31 sissy 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word sissy I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word sissy I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word sissy I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word sissy is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G32 toxic 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word toxic I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word toxic I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word toxic I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word toxic is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G33 hatred 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word hatred I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word hatred I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word hatred I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word hatred is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G34 tool 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word tool I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word tool I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word tool I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word tool is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G35 anguished 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word anguished I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word anguished I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word anguished I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word anguished is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G36 face 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word face I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word face I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word face I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word face is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G37 history 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word history I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word history I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word history I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word history is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G38 noose 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word noose I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word noose I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word noose I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word noose is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G39 devil 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word devil I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word devil I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word devil I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word devil is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G40 obscene 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word obscene I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word obscene I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word obscene I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word obscene is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G41 silly 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word silly I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word silly I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word silly I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word silly is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G42 heal 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word heal I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word heal I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word heal I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word heal is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G43 sentiment 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word sentiment I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word sentiment I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word sentiment I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word sentiment is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G44 computer 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word computer I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word computer I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word computer I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word computer is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G45 locker 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word locker I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word locker I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word locker I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word locker is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G46 addict 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word addict I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word addict I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word addict I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word addict is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G47 snob 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word snob I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word snob I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word snob I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word snob is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G48 legend 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word legend I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word legend I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word legend I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word legend is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G49 memories 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word memories I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word memories I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word memories I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word memories is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G50 seat 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word seat I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word seat I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word seat I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word seat is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G51 cook 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word cook I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word cook I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word cook I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word cook is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G52 sickness 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word sickness I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word sickness I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word sickness I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word sickness is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en G G53 EMPTYSTRING53 1 en Q L W11 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word EMPTYSTRING53 I feel happy.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel happy, pleased, satisfied, contented or hopeful. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel unhappy, annoyed, unsatisfied,melancholic, despairing, or bored. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W12 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word EMPTYSTRING53 I feel excited.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel stimulated, excited, frenzied, jittery, wide-awake, or aroused. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel relaxed, calm, sluggish, dull, sleepy, or unaroused. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W13 1

Please rate the following statement:

When I read the word EMPTYSTRING53 I feel controlled.

('Strongly agree' means it makes you feel controlled, influenced, cared-for, awed, submissive, or guided. 'Strongly disagree' means it makes you feel in control, influential, important, dominant, autonomous, or controlling. Choices in between indicate where your feelings sit between these extremes.)

en Y N 1 6 1 1 1 A 0 A2 Strongly agree en A 0 A3 Agree en A 0 A4 Neither agree nor disagree en A 0 A5 Disagree en A 0 A6 Strongly disagree en Q L W14 1

The emotion I most associate with the word EMPTYSTRING53 is:

en Y N 1 6 1 1 A 0 A1 Anger en A 0 A2 Happiness en A 0 A3 Sadness en A 0 A4 Fear en A 0 A5 Disgust en