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Guidance on building a dashboard for one survey - how to access responses

  • driz
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7 years 4 months ago #151336 by driz
A quick update for those interested:

The second part of the column header in the survey responses table is indeed the group ID (gid in the ls_questions table).

The third part either is the question id (qid in the ls_questions table), when the question has no parent_qid. I assume this is the case for full text questions for example, but maybe any question that is not an array and that doesn't have sub-questions.

For those questions that do have multiple sub-questions (e.g. array question), the last part consists of the parent_qid and the "title" (from the ls_questions table). I assume this last bit is the identifier of the sub-question.

Happy to be corrected by anyone in the know, these are just guesses based on the data in my database.
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7 years 4 months ago - 7 years 4 months ago #151342 by jelo
You might check the old and new database structures here:

There was a newer diagram posted in the Spanish section.
See attachment here:

The meaning of the word "stable" for users
Last edit: 7 years 4 months ago by jelo.
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  • DenisChenu
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7 years 3 months ago #151819 by DenisChenu
About "Response table" : i think it's better to use a 'false' table export with ngood header.

UYou can use export as json or do your own export : framagit.org/SondagePro-LimeSurvey-plugi.../jsonPivotWriter.php for an example

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