Of course. this cannot work.
What do you do?
1. You compare with a text. What is smaller than "A1"? What is smaller than "etretout"?
Text you can only compare "equal or not equal".
Therefore I always pray: Do not use these silly default codes like "A1", "A2". Use numeric codes.
2. What is this "3". Here you enter the column or row or entire question you want to count.
Why did you try to change my formula?
{countifop("==","A1",self)} with A1 = code of answer option.
In the actual question ("self") it counts the amount of code A1 in all subquestions. To count the codes A2, you set {countifop("==","A2",self)}
And to limit your question you combine both in the question validation:
) and (countifop("==","A2",self)
Still okay:
Too many in clolumn 2.