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Search Results (Searched for: html)

  • tpartner
  • tpartner's Avatar
02 Dec 2010 13:32
Replied by tpartner on topic Multiple question types in array modifiy
I'm afraid I don't understand your problem. My previous post is simply a suggestion on how to fix that particular snippet of HTML.
  • phpsurvey
  • phpsurvey's Avatar
01 Dec 2010 23:41 - 01 Dec 2010 23:41
Replied by phpsurvey on topic Multiple question types in array modifiy
When I find a solution for my last problem I write an article about limesurvey with multiple question types in array in two languages, that nobody has the the barriers like me...:)

I have the same problem like: www.limesurvey.org/de/support/hilfe-fore...ernet-explorer#50103

tpartner wrote:

You have a span in your banner element that's not closed properly and the resulting HTML error may be messing up IE.

<h2><span style='font-size:26px;font-family:"Times New Roman"; color:#003366' >SocPiMu10</h2>

Okay I understand the error, but I don't know how I can fix it????
  • tpartner
  • tpartner's Avatar
15 Oct 2010 13:23
Replied by tpartner on topic set box text input width for other
1) This is not a bug but a matter of preference. You should be able to reposition the <p> that contains the textarea with CSS by removing the float style.

2) This may be a bug. Please open a ticket at the bugtracker and include a sample survey and your fix.

3) Mazi is correct - your template generates some 20 odd HTML errors that need to be cured. I also recommend starting anew with the current Basic template.
  • evan
  • evan's Avatar
23 Feb 2010 01:05 - 23 Feb 2010 01:06

I've just had a look at the 508 Compliance Website, in particular the checklist page ( www.csun.edu/~comp508/websitecheck.html ).

One thing that would have a significant effect 508 compliance is the template used for the survey. If you use a CSS based template like Limespired and Mint Idea you are probably going to be fine.

In short in it's current version, LimeSurvey can be 508 compliant.

The following is my understanding of LimeSurvey in relation to the checklist listed above:
NOTE: Below is for survey front end, not the admin interface. My brief testing of the admin interface seems to suggest that the below is mostly true for the admin interface as well (although more could be done with keyboard navigation on the admin interface)

(1) Is there a text equivalent (e.g., via "alt", "longdesc", or in element content) for every non-text element?
This is content and template related and can be controlled by the end user/admin
The only image that LimeSurvey inserts is the help image which does contain an alt of "help"

(2) For any multimedia presentations, are there equivalent text alternatives and are they synchronized with the presentation?
NA - Content related - survey creators need to be aware of this requirement.
By default Yes

(3) Is all information conveyed with color also available without color (e.g. from context or markup)?
Mostly content and template related.
LimeSurvey error and special note messages are identified by classes use colour. However the colour of the text us used to hightlight meaning rather than change it.

(4) Are documents organized so they are readable without requiring an associated style sheet?
Content and template related. (By documents I assume they mean downloadable documents e.g. PDFs, Word Docs, etc)

(5) Are redundant text links provided for each active region of a server-side image map?
NA - Content and template related.
By default LimeSurvey doesn't use server-side image maps.

(6) Are row and column headers identified for data tables?
Yes - but more could be done to improve this
The <TH> tags should all have unique IDs and the <TD> tags should all include the 'headers' attribute ( www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/tables.html#adef-headers ) and the 'headers' attribute should list the IDs of all the tag that cell refers to.

(7) Are frames titled with text that facilitates frame identification and navigation?
NA - Content and template related.
By default LimeSurvey doesn't utilise any Frames

(8) Does the software avoid using flashing or blinking text, objects, and other elements having a flash or blink frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz?
NA - Content and template related.
By default LimeSurvey doens't have flashing text.

(9.a) Is a text-only page, with equivalent information or functionality, provided? (This is to ensure that a web site complies when compliance cannot be accomplished in any other way.)
Content and template related.
By default LimeSurvey doens't need this functionality as it is primarily text based.

(9.b) Is the content of the text-only page updated whenever the primary page changes?
Content and template related.

(10) If pages utilize scripting languages to display content, or to create interface elements, is the information provided by the script identified with functional text that can be read by assistive technology?
This I'm not 100% sure about but I think "Yes"

(11) If electronic forms are designed to be completed on line, does the form allow people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues?
Yes for most questions I've tried. There are a couple of question types that may be a problem:
The Date question pops up a JavaScript calendar box which is not keyboard navigable.
The "Multiple Numerical Input (slider layout)" and "Ranking Question" question drop keyboard navigation in a black hole which can not be gotten out of.
(12) Is a method provided that permits users to skip repetitive navigation links?
Template related

(13) If a timed response is required, is the user alerted and given sufficient time to indicate more time is required?
LimeSurvey does support timed responses but I've never used it. So can't say.
If timed responses are not used, then Yes.

(14) If the software is designed to run on a system that has a keyboard, are product functions executable from a keyboard where the function itself or the result of performing a function can be discerned textually?

My one recommendation is that perhaps LS has a config setting that makes LS fully 508 compliant by limiting its functionality.
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