I've installed the last version (new istallation) to solve the problem of editor HTML that doesn't open itself as popup. Now it works in version 2.66.0. (thanks to D. Chenu !)
Working on stage version (we have 2 version in stage as above showed) to complete the test on new realase I've found a new issue.
In "Visualizza partecipanti/Display Partecipants" if I insert a data in search field (first name, last name or other) I'll receive a Error 404 (I tryed with italian version and english version). See the image attached (error 404).
The same problem happens also if I search the answer inside the single survey, but the search fields in survey page (survey menus) well works.
I believe that the new core system built in a wrong mode the path to return the value when I'm inside the survey.
May be that the new security framework have changed the behaviours?
Hi. I don't understand.... If you use the text field as filter appear a error due to GET invocked procedure (more then 2300 char). In bugs.limesurvey.org/view.php?id=12492 sais us that they are tried a different solution (may be using POST procedure)
If you want more info said me which infos are necessary.