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<p><strong>10. Wie wichtig sind die nachfolgenden General Management-Kompetenzen bezogen auf Ihre aktuelle Führungsposition?</strong></p> <style type="text/css">.answertext .tooltip { color: black; /* Or any other color that stands out against your background */ visibility: visible; display: inline; /* Or 'block', depending on your layout */ } .tooltip[data-toggle="tooltip"] { cursor: pointer; } .tooltip:hover::after { content: attr(data-original-title); position: absolute; left: 0; top: 100%; white-space: nowrap; z-index: 1000; background-color: #f8f8f8; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf; border-radius: 3px; pointer-events: none; } /* Coloring the first set of headers with light orange */ table.subquestion-list tr th.dsheader:nth-of-type(2), table.subquestion-list tr th:nth-child(3), table.subquestion-list tr th:nth-child(4), table.subquestion-list tr th:nth-child(5), table.subquestion-list tr th:nth-child(6), table.subquestion-list tr th:nth-child(7) { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3); 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var subHeading4 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Strategic Design">Strategisches Gestaltungsvermögen</strong>'; var subHeading5 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Business Thinking">Betriebswirtschaftliches Denken und Handeln</strong>'; var subHeading6 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Organizational Change">Den organisatorischen Wandel gestalten</strong>'; // Find out the number of columns in the question var columnsLength = $('tr.answers-list:eq(0) > *', thisQuestion).length; // Insert the subheadings before the specific subquestions $('tr.answers-list:eq(0)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading1+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(5)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading2+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(10)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading3+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(15)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading4+'</th></tr>'); 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<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).ready(function() { // Target the second scale of question 1784 with the specified header. // This assumes 'subquestion' and 'answer' classes are used; these might need adjustment. var scaleHeader = "Veränderung der Bedeutung inskünftig (in den kommenden 5-10 Jahren)"; var questionId = '#question1784'; var headerExists = $(questionId + ' .answer-item.text-item .answertext').filter(function() { return $(this).text().trim() === scaleHeader; }).length > 0; if(headerExists) { // Assuming LimeSurvey generates a specific structure for dual scale array questions // Find the right table or div that contains the second scale based on the header var scale2Container = $(questionId + ' .answer-item.text-item').filter(function() { return $(this).text().trim() === scaleHeader; }).closest('.answers-list'); // Hide the original scale 2 options scale2Container.find('input').closest('li').hide(); // Adjust this selector based on your actual structure // Create slider and insert it into the document var sliderHtml = '<div class="custom-slider-container"><input type="range" min="1" max="5" value="3" class="slider" id="customSlider1784"></div>'; scale2Container.before(sliderHtml); // You may want to adjust the placement based on your layout // Update hidden inputs based on slider change $('#customSlider1784').on('input change', function() { var value = $(this).val(); // Find and check the corresponding input for the second scale scale2Container.find('input[value="' + value + '"]').prop('checked', true); }); } }); </script>
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<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).on('ready pjax:scriptcomplete',function(){ $('.coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale').each(function(i) { // Assign column-specific classes $('table.subquestion-list tr.ls-heading:not(.groups)', this).each(function(i) { $('.answer-text', this).each(function(i){ $(this).addClass('column-'+(i+1)); }); }); }); }); </script><script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { // Identify this question var thisQuestion = $('#question{QID}'); // Define the sub-heading text strings with tooltip text using the title attribute var subHeading1 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Leadership">Leadership</strong>'; var subHeading2 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Academic Environment">Handeln im akademischen Umfeld</strong>'; var subHeading3 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Political Environment">Handeln im politischen Umfeld</strong>'; var subHeading4 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Strategic Design">Strategisches Gestaltungsvermögen</strong>'; var subHeading5 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Business Thinking">Betriebswirtschaftliches Denken und Handeln</strong>'; var subHeading6 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Organizational Change">Den organisatorischen Wandel gestalten</strong>'; // Find out the number of columns in the question var columnsLength = $('tr.answers-list:eq(0) > *', thisQuestion).length; // Insert the subheadings before the specific subquestions $('tr.answers-list:eq(0)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading1+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(5)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading2+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(10)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading3+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(15)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading4+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(19)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading5+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(24)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading6+'</th></tr>'); // Fix the row classes for styling var rowClass = 1; $('table.subquestion-list tbody tr', thisQuestion).each(function(i) { if($(this).hasClass('sub-header-row')) { rowClass = 1; } else { rowClass++; $(this).removeClass('array1 array2'); if(rowClass % 2 == 0) { $(this).addClass('array2'); } else { $(this).addClass('array1'); } } }); // Initialize Bootstrap tooltips $('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); }); </script>
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.coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-1 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-2 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-3 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-4 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-5 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-6 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-7 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-8 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-9 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-10 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} th.dsheader:nth-of-type(2) { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} th.dsheader:nth-of-type(3) { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_1_1 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_1_2 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_1_3 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_1_4 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_1_5 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_2_1 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_2_2 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_2_3 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_2_4 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_2_5 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_0-1 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_0-2 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_0-3 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_0-4 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_0-5 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_1-1 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_1-2 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_1-3 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_1-4 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_1-5 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} </style>
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<style type="text/css"> .slider-handle { background-color:#2986cc; } .slider-handle.custom::before { color: #2986cc; } .slider.slider-untouched .slider-handle { background-color: transparent; } .slider.slider-untouched .slider-handle.custom::before { color: #bbb; } .slider-selection { background: #8fce00; } /* Styles for your .mytooltip1 elements */ .mytooltip1 { cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; color: orange; } .mytooltip1-inner{ min-width:500px; height:auto; padding:3px 8px; color:#314A5B; text-align:left; font-weight:400; border-radius:15px; border: 1px solid #314A5B; background-color:white; font-size: 16px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('.mytooltip1').on('inserted.bs.tooltip', function() { var tooltipId = $(this).attr('aria-describedby'); $('#' + tooltipId + ' .tooltip-inner').addClass('mytooltip1-inner'); }).tooltip(); }); </script>
<span class="mytooltip1" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="Zeit mit Führungsteam, individuelle Personalangelegenheiten und Konfliktlösung, Compliance und rechtliche Angelegenheiten, allgemeine Verwaltungs- und Kontrollaufgaben, Fakultätsversammlungen u.ä.">Laufende Führungsaufgaben innerhalb des eigenen Organisationsbereichs</span>
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Naja, das war ja der entscheidende Teil. Ohne diese funktionierte ja die Hälfte des css scriptes nicht.Die CSS-Klasse "coloured-array" hatte ich nicht hinzugefügt!
Das heißt also für mich als Respondenten:ich möchte, dass der Slider Tooltip nur erscheint, wenn man mit der Maus darüberfährt
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<p><strong>10. Wie wichtig sind die nachfolgenden General Management-Kompetenzen <u>bezogen auf Ihre aktuelle Führungsposition?</u></strong></p> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { // Identify this question var thisQuestion = $('#question1784'); // Define the sub-heading text strings with tooltip text using the title attribute var subHeading1 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Leadership">Leadership</strong>'; var subHeading2 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Academic Environment">Handeln im akademischen Umfeld</strong>'; var subHeading3 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Political Environment">Handeln im politischen Umfeld</strong>'; var subHeading4 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Strategic Design">Strategisches Gestaltungsvermögen</strong>'; var subHeading5 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Business Thinking">Betriebswirtschaftliches Denken und Handeln</strong>'; var subHeading6 = '<strong title="Your detailed information for Organizational Change">Den organisatorischen Wandel gestalten</strong>'; // Find out the number of columns in the question var columnsLength = $('tr.answers-list:eq(0) > *', thisQuestion).length; // Insert the subheadings before the specific subquestions $('tr.answers-list:eq(0)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading1+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(5)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading2+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(10)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading3+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(15)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading4+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(19)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading5+'</th></tr>'); $('tr.answers-list:eq(24)', thisQuestion).before('<tr class="sub-header-row"><th colspan="'+columnsLength+'">'+subHeading6+'</th></tr>'); // Fix the row classes for styling var rowClass = 1; $('table.subquestion-list tbody tr', thisQuestion).each(function(i) { if($(this).hasClass('sub-header-row')) { rowClass = 1; } else { rowClass++; $(this).removeClass('array1 array2'); if(rowClass % 2 == 0) { $(this).addClass('array2'); } else { $(this).addClass('array1'); } } }); // Initialize Bootstrap tooltips $('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); }); </script><script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { // Target the specific question part for future importance with question ID 1903 var questionBaseId = "866522X20X1784"; // Base ID format in LimeSurvey might include the survey ID and question ID var questionPart = "1"; // Part 2 of the dual array, indicating future importance // Hide existing radio buttons for the second part of the question document.querySelectorAll('input[name^="' + questionBaseId + '#"]').forEach(function(radio) { radio.closest('td').style.display = 'none'; // Hide the table cell containing the radio button }); 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// This removes any existing content, like improperly placed sliders sliderCell.appendChild(slider); // Append the slider to the cell } // Update a hidden input or perform other actions when the slider value changes slider.addEventListener("input", function() { // Example: Update a hidden input field with the slider's value var hiddenInput = document.querySelector('input[id="java' + questionBaseId + subQuestionId + '_' + questionPart + '"]'); if(hiddenInput) { hiddenInput.value = this.value; } }); }); }); </script> <style type="text/css">.tooltip[data-toggle="tooltip"] { cursor: pointer; } /* Styles for your .mytooltip1 elements */ .mytooltip1 { cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold; color: #08407E; } .tooltip-inner{ min-width:500px; height:auto; padding:3px 8px; color:#314A5B; text-align:left; font-weight:400; border-radius:15px; border: 1px solid #314A5B; background-color:white; font-size: 16px; } .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-1 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-2 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-3 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-4 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-5 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-6 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-7 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-8 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-9 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} .coloured-array.array-flexible-dual-scale .column-10 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} th.dsheader:nth-of-type(2) { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} th.dsheader:nth-of-type(3) { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_1_1 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_1_2 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_1_3 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_1_4 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_1_5 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_2_1 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_2_2 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_2_3 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_2_4 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} td.answer_cell_2_5 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_0-1 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_0-2 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_0-3 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_0-4 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_0-5 { background-color: rgba(255, 204, 153, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_1-1 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_1-2 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_1-3 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_1-4 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} th#answer866522X20X1784_1-5 { background-color: rgba(153, 204, 255, 0.3);} </style> <style type="text/css">/* Hide the red warning message for mandatory multiple choice questions */ div.ls-question-mandatory-multiplechoice, div.ls-question-mandatory.ls-question-mandatory-other-text-danger, div.ls-question-mandatory.ls-question-mandatory-other, /* Add the class for mandatory multiple numerical input questions */ div.ls-question-mandatory.ls-question-mandatory-array.text-danger { display: none; 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