I have about 20 forms that have about 900 questions total. These questions are subject to changes (new questions, delete old ones, update existing ones, change branch logic, etc). I've co-opted the print page to display a summary of all the responses. I've set the "end url" to link to the print page, so that when a user submits the survey, the user is directed to the print page to see a summary. On the print page, I've put a button to link back to my parent application.
The survey settings are:
- token table
- not anonymized responses
- user can come back and continue/edit already submitted response
- group by group
What I need to is to have links on the print page for each group section and or individual question that link to that specific group or question (since it's group by group, the question link will be the same as the group link).
I've called list_questions in the Remote Control API and it returns the question_order. I thought this was what I needed, but I realized that the sequence id is different than the question_order, I think due to group by group and branching logic.
For this, I need the sequence ids available on the print page. I am not able to programatically get them. There's no Remote Control API to do this. Does anyone have any guidance on parts of the LimeSurvey core code I need to modify to get them? It can be a new API, or somehow plumbed in through an expression manager variable that contains ALL the sequence ids, etc.
I don't want to do this via question_code.qseq since it's a monumental effort to keep this up to date with all my surveys.
Another option is to enable the question index on the print page. Maybe this is easier?
I'm an experienced Ruby/Java/JavaScript developer. I don't know anything about PHP, but I don't mind digging into the code for targeted changes.
Here's a link to a token on a test survey:
If you click through to the end, you will see my co-opted print/summary page.