We have created a multilingual survey on Lime Survey version : 2.67.3+170728.
while downloading responses we noticed that in Long Free Text File the response data show "??????" instead of the other language character such as Chinese or Korean.
We need your help to fix this issue as soon as possible. since the user is taking part in the survey.
Bam! there you go! Don't ever use MS SQL Server...
OK, now on a more serious note: I personally would always go with LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) for Limesurvey, just because this is the platform most developers work on and most people test on. On other combinations the risk of problems like this is a lot higher, because they developers depend mainly on feedback and bug-reports from the users.
Most probably it has to do with the character set, which can be tricky. Maybe reporting this via the bug tracker will bring this to the developers attention quicker.
Help us to help you!
Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.