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Multiple question types in array modifiy

  • phpsurvey
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13 years 7 months ago #53489 by phpsurvey
Replied by phpsurvey on topic Multiple question types in array modifiy
I'm curious about it.
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13 years 7 months ago #53534 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Multiple question types in array modifiy
I have updated the code in the workaround to work in IE8 and to be a little more XHTML valid.

The new code is:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        Display multiple questions side by side
        if ($('div.qRow1').length == 0) {
            //////// Add question classes for later use ////////
            // Give questions row specific attributes so we can easily manipulate them by row
            $('#question190, #question191, #question192, #question193, #question194').addClass('qRow1 inlineQuestion');
            $('#question195, #question196, #question197, #question198, #question199').addClass('qRow2 inlineQuestion');
            $('#question200, #question201, #question202, #question203, #question204').addClass('qRow3 inlineQuestion');
            $('#question205, #question206, #question207, #question208, #question209').addClass('qRow4 inlineQuestion');
            // Give questions column specific classes so we can easily manipulate them by column
            $('#question190, #question195, #question200, #question205').addClass('qCol1');
            $('#question191, #question196, #question201, #question206').addClass('qCol2');
            $('#question192, #question197, #question202, #question207').addClass('qCol3');
            $('#question193, #question198, #question203, #question208').addClass('qCol4');
            $('#question194, #question199, #question204, #question209').addClass('qCol5');
            //////// Survey layout manipulation ////////
            // Fix the width of the survey
            $( 'table.outerframe' ).css({
                'width': '900px'
            // Wrap each row in a div
            $('.qRow1').wrapAll('<div id="inlineWrapper1" />');
            $('.qRow2').wrapAll('<div id="inlineWrapper2" />');
            $('.qRow3').wrapAll('<div id="inlineWrapper3" />');
            $('.qRow4').wrapAll('<div id="inlineWrapper4" />');
            // Style the wrapper divs
            $( '#inlineWrapper1, #inlineWrapper2, #inlineWrapper3, #inlineWrapper4' ).css({
                'width': '850px',
                'margin': '0 auto 0 auto',
                'clear': 'both'
            // Get all the questions to sit politely side by side
            $( '.qRow1, .qRow2, .qRow3, .qRow4' ).css({
                'float': 'left'    
            $( '.inlineQuestion .survey-question-help' ).parent().hide();
            //////// Column manipulation ////////
            // Set the column widths - can be set individually if necessary
            // Must add up to less than 100%
            $( '.qCol1' ).css({
                'width': '12%'
            $( '.qCol2, .qCol3, .qCol4, .qCol5' ).css({
                'width': '22%'
            //////// Question manipulation ////////
            // Hide the answer element in boilerplate questions
            $( 'div.boilerplate td.answer' ).parent().hide();
            // Hide the question text elements in non-boilerplate questions
            $('div.text-short td.questiontext, div.list-dropdown td.questiontext, div.yes-no td.questiontext, div.numeric td.questiontext').parent().hide();
            // Push the question tables to 100%
            $( 'div.qRow1 table, div.qRow2 table, div.qRow3 table, div.qRow4 table' ).css({
                'width': '100%'
            // Get everything to line up nicely vertically
            $( 'td.questiontext, td.answer p' ).css({
                'text-align': 'center'
            // Adjust cell heights so everything lines up nicely horizontally
            $( 'td.answer, td.questiontext' ).css({
            $( '.inlineQuestion' ).css({
            // Yes-no question styles
            $( 'div.yes-no ul' ).css({
                'text-align': 'center',
                'font-size': '90%',
                'margin': '0',
                'padding-bottom': '5px'
            $( 'div.yes-no li' ).css({
                'padding-right': '1.5em'
            $( 'div.yes-no td.answer' ).css({
                'padding-bottom': '0'
            // Short-text question styles
            $( 'div.text-short input' ).css({
                'width': '125px',
                'margin-left': '0'
            // Numeric question styles
            $( 'div.numeric input' ).css({
                'width': '125px',
                'margin-left': '0'
            $( 'div.numeric p.tip' ).css({
                'display': 'none'
            // Get rid of the margins around select boxes    
            $( 'p.question' ).css({'margin':'0'});
            // Reduce the space caused by the question help table
            $( '.qRow1, .qRow2, .qRow3' ).css({
                'margin-bottom': '-8px'

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
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13 years 7 months ago #53540 by phpsurvey
Replied by phpsurvey on topic Multiple question types in array modifiy
nice.... :silly:
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13 years 7 months ago #53543 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Multiple question types in array modifiy
I am still wondering what the trailing slash is doing here:

<div id="inlineWrapper1" />

I thought that a DIV always needs an opening tag and an closing tag and can not be used like IMG or similar with just one tag?

I answer at the LimeSurvey forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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13 years 7 months ago - 13 years 7 months ago #53545 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Multiple question types in array modifiy
Hi holch, that trailing slash does close the tag and is valid XHTML.

In this case it doesn't matter though because that tag is just in the script and the actual generated HTML will be:
<div id="inlineWrapper1">...</div>

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
Last edit: 13 years 7 months ago by tpartner.
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13 years 7 months ago #53546 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Multiple question types in array modifiy
Oh, and some XHTML validators might whine about those elements being there but that's just because they're not smart enough to realize that the tags are just quoted inside a script.

Tony Partner

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13 years 7 months ago #53548 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Multiple question types in array modifiy
Hi TPartner!

Thanks for letting me know. I am little "out" of the whole XHTML and CSS stuff. I know that the trailing slash is closing the element, but I was not aware that DIVs could be used this way. I thought this would be limited to some elements like IMG, HR, etc.

I answer at the LimeSurvey forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
No support via private message.

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13 years 7 months ago #53601 by phpsurvey
Replied by phpsurvey on topic Multiple question types in array modifiy
My questions have a different size(height). I want to set the height variable like



But this doesn't works. How can I set the questions to a different height???

 // Adjust cell heights so everything lines up nicely horizontally
            $( 'td.answer, td.questiontext' ).css({
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13 years 4 months ago #58772 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Multiple question types in array modifiy
Option 5?

Can you provide a screenshot showing what you want?

Tony Partner

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13 years 4 months ago - 13 years 4 months ago #58773 by phpsurvey
Replied by phpsurvey on topic Aw: Re:Multiple question types in array modifiy
this is what i wanted to post :

tpartner wrote: This should do the trick.

Create a short-text question and an array question with only one answer. Insert the following script in the source of one of them. Replace "11" (line 5) with the ID of the short-text and "22" (line 6) with the ID of the array you want inline.

Note that the styles inserted here only apply to the default template and you my need to adjust the padding in line 40 if any of your array labels wrap.

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var qText = 11;       
        var qArray = 22;
        // Fix the width of the survey
        $( 'table.outerframe' ).css({'width': '900px'});
        // Wrap the 2 questions ina container div and style it
        $('#question'+qText+', #question'+qArray+'').wrapAll('<div class="inlineWrapper" />');
        $('.inlineWrapper').append('<div style="clear:both" />');
            'width': '75%',
            'margin':'0 auto 10px auto',
        $('.inlineWrapper *').css({
            'padding': '0',
        // Hide the question and the help text
        $('#question'+qText+' td.questiontext, #question'+qArray+' td.questiontext').parent().hide();
        $('#question'+qText+' > table:eq(1), #question'+qArray+' > table:eq(1)').hide();
        $('#question'+qText+' td.survey-question-help, #question'+qArray+' td.survey-question-help').parent().hide();
        //Hide the answer cell of the array
        $('#question'+qArray+' table.question thead tr').children(":first").hide();
        $('#question'+qArray+' table.question tbody tr').children(":first").hide();
        $('#question'+qArray+' col').attr('width', '');
        // Push all question tables to 100%
        $('#question'+qText+' table, #question'+qArray+' table').css({'width': '100%'});
        // Get the 2 questions to sit politely side by side
        $('#question'+qText+', #question'+qArray+'').css({'float':'left'});
        $('#question'+qText+'').css({'padding':'15px 0 5px 25px'});
        $('#question'+qText+'').css({'padding-top':'27px'}); // Adjust here for wrapped array labels
        $('#question'+qArray+'').css({'padding':'5px 0 10px 0'});
        $('#question'+qArray+' table.question td').css({'padding':'4px'});
        $('#question'+qText+' table:first').attr('align', 'left');
        $('#question'+qText+' label').css({
        // Set the widths of the 2 questions
        $('#question'+qText+'').css({'width': '35%'});
        $('#question'+qArray+'').css({'width': '58%'});

I have a question to this solution. How can I reduce the distance between the first and the second block? Betwenn Option 5 and the short-text is a too big distance. Can you show me the part in tpartners source code to reduce this distance.
Thank you !!!
Last edit: 13 years 4 months ago by phpsurvey.
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