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After submitting the questionnaire, can go to the smallest unanswered question?

  • alasun
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1 week 1 day ago #269497 by alasun
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1 week 20 hours ago #269505 by alasun
I designed a questionnaire with 6 questions in it, all of which are required. I answered the first 4 questions, but did not answer the last 2 questions, 5 and 6. Click Submit, one or more unanswered questions will pop up on the page, and the page will reach the top. Can the page automatically return to the unanswered question position, which is the smallest serial number, such as 5?
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5 days 9 hours ago #269531 by DenisChenu
This part was not included in Fruity  ?

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4 days 13 hours ago #269537 by alasun
I took a look and used this theme. But after clicking submit, it returns to the top of the page, not to the unanswered questions. I wish it was automatically locked to unanswered questions instead of at the top. Is it because I didn't set it up somewhere?

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4 days 10 hours ago #269538 by DenisChenu
Issue to be reported then

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3 days 16 hours ago #269545 by alasun
// Scroll to first error - After user close modal -
if ($('.input-error').length > 0 || $('.ls-em-error').length > 0) {
$('#bootstrap-alert-box-modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function () {

var $firstError = ($('.input-error').length > 0) ? $('.input-error').first() : $('.ls-em-error').first();

var $pixToScroll = ($firstError.offset().top - 100);
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $pixToScroll + 'px'
}, 'fast');

where can i close modal ?I can not find it.

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3 days 12 hours ago #269546 by DenisChenu
The hidden.bs.modal event are the event when modal are closed : getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/components/modal/#events

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3 days 5 hours ago #269551 by alasun
Does it mean to modify the web page code? It cannot be achieved through the background switch. In which file is the code found?

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2 days 18 hours ago #269556 by alasun
                 <!-- Start of the main Form--> <form id="limesurvey" name="limesurvey" autocomplete="off" class="survey-form-container form" action="/index.php/577482" method="post"> <input type="hidden" value="WFl3OWxWVXVmbEV1TVBqVXRUZ0pQUHhKYkFjc1FWX2MvM_BbiyWpmvxzmHz3Nr9_A-YKDtvxvsoXVKG8kJESwQ==" name="YII_CSRF_TOKEN" />   <!-- Ajax value --> <!-- Needs to be set by javascript! 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> 教师教育情况调查 </h1>   <!-- Survey description --> <div class=" survey-description text-info text-center" > <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:10.5pt"><span style="font-family:&amp;quot;Times New Roman&amp;quot;,serif"><span style="font-family:宋体">亲爱的同学们,你们好!</span></span></span></p>   <p style="text-indent:24.0pt; text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:10.5pt"><span style="font-family:&amp;quot;Times New Roman&amp;quot;,serif"><span style="font-family:宋体">你的成长一定伴随着老师们艰辛的劳动,相信在老师们孜孜不倦的教育教学和你自己的努力下,你又有了可喜的变化。在你收获成绩、体验成功快乐的时刻,为了你们的健康成长,请你如实回答以下问题,谢谢!</span></span></span></p>   </div>   <!-- Welcome text --> <div class=" survey-welcome h5 text-primary" >   </div>   <!-- Question count --> <div class=" number-of-questions text-muted" > <div class=' question-count-text ' >   本问卷有11个问题。 </div> </div> </div>       <!-- Privacy message -->   <div class=" privacy row" > <div class=" col-12 col-centered" > </div> </div>         <!-- START OF GROUP: 我的第一个问题组 --> <div id='group-0' class=" group-outer-container space-col" >     <div class=" group-container space-col" >     <!-- Group Name -->             <!-- PRESENT THE QUESTIONS --> <!-- Question 24 --> <div id="question24" class="row list-radio mandatory question-container " >       <!-- Question G01Q01 -->     <!-- Question text --> <div class=" question-title-container col-12 " > <!-- Add a visual information + just Mandatory string for aria : can be improved --> <div class="asterisk float-start"> <sup class="text-danger fa fa-asterisk small" aria-hidden='true'></sup> <span class="visually-hidden text-danger">;(此问题为必答问题)</span> </div>     <span class=' text-muted question-number ' > 1 </span>     <div class=" question-text " > <div id="ls-question-text-577482X4X24" class=" ls-label-question " > <span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="font-family:宋体">你能感受到该老师的关心爱护吗?</span></span> </div> </div>   </div>       <!-- Survey question help --> <div class=" question-help-container text-info col-12 " 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screen, each column is full widht, so it look like a single colunm--> <ul class="list-unstyled col-md-12 col-12">   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X25AO01' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO01" name="577482X4X25" id="answer577482X4X25AO01"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X25othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X25othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X25AO01" class="control-label radio-label"> 没有 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X25AO02' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO02" name="577482X4X25" id="answer577482X4X25AO02"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X25othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X25othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X25AO02" class="control-label radio-label"> 偶尔 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X25AO03' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO03" name="577482X4X25" id="answer577482X4X25AO03"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X25othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X25othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X25AO03" class="control-label radio-label"> 有时 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X25AO04' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO04" name="577482X4X25" id="answer577482X4X25AO04"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X25othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X25othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X25AO04" class="control-label radio-label"> 经常 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row --> </ul>   </div> <input id="java577482X4X25" disabled="disabled" type="hidden" value="" name="java577482X4X25" /> <!-- end of answer -->   </div>       <!-- End of question G01Q02 -->   </div> <!-- End of question 25 -->   <!-- Question 26 --> <div id="question26" class="row list-radio mandatory question-container " >       <!-- Question G01Q03 -->     <!-- Question text --> <div class=" question-title-container col-12 " > <!-- Add a visual information + just Mandatory string for aria : can be improved --> <div class="asterisk float-start"> <sup class="text-danger fa fa-asterisk small" aria-hidden='true'></sup> <span class="visually-hidden text-danger">;(此问题为必答问题)</span> </div>     <span class=' text-muted question-number ' > 3 </span>     <div class=" question-text " > <div id="ls-question-text-577482X4X26" class=" ls-label-question " > <span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="font-family:宋体">该老师是否及时对个别学生违纪违规的行为进行耐心、严肃地批评教育?</span></span> </div> </div>   </div>       <!-- Survey question help --> <div class=" question-help-container text-info col-12 " >   </div>       <!-- LimeSurvey valid message and help --> <div class=" question-valid-container text-info col-12" > <div class="ls-questionhelp " role="alert" id="vmsg_26" > <div id='vmsg_26_default' class='ls-question-message ls-em-tip em_default'> 请选择一个符合的选项 </div>   </div> </div>       <!-- Answer --> <div class=" answer-container col-12" >   <!-- List Radio -->   <!-- answer -->     <div class="ls-answers answers-list radio-list row" role="radiogroup" aria-labelledby="ls-question-text-577482X4X26"> <!-- on small screen, each column is full widht, so it look like a single colunm--> <ul class="list-unstyled col-md-12 col-12">   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X26AO01' class='answer-item radio-item' 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> <input type="radio" value="AO03" name="577482X4X26" id="answer577482X4X26AO03"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X26othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X26othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X26AO03" class="control-label radio-label"> 偶尔 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X26AO04' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO04" name="577482X4X26" id="answer577482X4X26AO04"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X26othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X26othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X26AO04" class="control-label radio-label"> 从不 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row --> </ul>   </div> <input id="java577482X4X26" disabled="disabled" type="hidden" value="" name="java577482X4X26" /> <!-- end of answer 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radio-label"> 经常 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X27AO02' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO02" name="577482X4X27" id="answer577482X4X27AO02"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X27othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X27othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X27AO02" class="control-label radio-label"> 有时 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X27AO03' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO03" name="577482X4X27" id="answer577482X4X27AO03"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X27othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X27othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X27AO03" class="control-label radio-label"> 偶尔 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X27AO04' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO04" name="577482X4X27" id="answer577482X4X27AO04"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X27othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X27othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X27AO04" class="control-label radio-label"> 从不 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row --> </ul>   </div> <input id="java577482X4X27" disabled="disabled" type="hidden" value="" name="java577482X4X27" /> <!-- end of answer -->   </div>       <!-- End of question G01Q04 -->   </div> <!-- End of question 27 -->   <!-- Question 28 --> <div id="question28" class="row list-radio mandatory question-container " >       <!-- Question G01Q05 -->     <!-- Question text --> <div class=" question-title-container col-12 " > <!-- Add a visual information + just Mandatory string for aria : can be improved --> <div class="asterisk float-start"> <sup class="text-danger fa fa-asterisk small" aria-hidden='true'></sup> <span class="visually-hidden text-danger">;(此问题为必答问题)</span> </div>     <span class=' text-muted question-number ' > 5 </span>     <div class=" question-text " > <div id="ls-question-text-577482X4X28" class=" ls-label-question " > <span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="font-family:宋体">你对该老师的课堂管理是否满意?</span></span> </div> </div>   </div>       <!-- Survey question help --> <div class=" question-help-container text-info col-12 " >   </div>       <!-- LimeSurvey valid message and help --> <div class=" question-valid-container text-info col-12" > <div class="ls-questionhelp " role="alert" id="vmsg_28" > <div id='vmsg_28_default' class='ls-question-message ls-em-tip em_default'> 请选择一个符合的选项 </div>   </div> </div>       <!-- Answer --> <div class=" answer-container col-12" >   <!-- List Radio -->   <!-- answer -->     <div class="ls-answers answers-list radio-list row" role="radiogroup" aria-labelledby="ls-question-text-577482X4X28"> <!-- on small screen, each column is full widht, so it look like a single colunm--> <ul class="list-unstyled col-md-12 col-12">   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X28AO01' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO01" name="577482X4X28" id="answer577482X4X28AO01"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X28othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X28othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X28AO01" class="control-label radio-label"> 满意 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X28AO02' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO02" name="577482X4X28" id="answer577482X4X28AO02"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X28othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X28othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X28AO02" class="control-label radio-label"> 较满意 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X28AO03' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO03" name="577482X4X28" id="answer577482X4X28AO03"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X28othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X28othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X28AO03" class="control-label radio-label"> 一般 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X28AO04' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO04" name="577482X4X28" id="answer577482X4X28AO04"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X28othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X28othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X28AO04" class="control-label radio-label"> 不满意 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row --> </ul>   </div> <input id="java577482X4X28" disabled="disabled" type="hidden" value="" name="java577482X4X28" /> <!-- end of answer -->   </div>       <!-- End of question G01Q05 -->   </div> <!-- End of question 28 -->   <!-- Question 29 --> <div id="question29" class="row list-radio mandatory question-container " >       <!-- Question G01Q06 -->     <!-- Question text --> <div class=" question-title-container col-12 " > <!-- Add a visual information + just Mandatory string for aria : can be improved --> <div class="asterisk float-start"> <sup class="text-danger fa fa-asterisk small" aria-hidden='true'></sup> <span class="visually-hidden text-danger">;(此问题为必答问题)</span> </div>     <span class=' text-muted question-number ' > 6 </span>     <div class=" question-text " > <div id="ls-question-text-577482X4X29" class=" ls-label-question " > <span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="font-family:宋体">你对该老师的教学素养(语言规范,表达清晰,板书工整合理)是否满意?</span></span> </div> </div>   </div>       <!-- Survey question help --> <div class=" question-help-container text-info col-12 " >   </div>       <!-- LimeSurvey valid message and help --> <div class=" question-valid-container text-info col-12" > <div class="ls-questionhelp " role="alert" id="vmsg_29" > <div id='vmsg_29_default' class='ls-question-message ls-em-tip em_default'> 请选择一个符合的选项 </div>   </div> </div>       <!-- Answer --> <div class=" answer-container col-12" >   <!-- List Radio -->   <!-- answer -->     <div class="ls-answers answers-list radio-list row" role="radiogroup" aria-labelledby="ls-question-text-577482X4X29"> <!-- on small screen, each column is full widht, so it look like a single colunm--> <ul class="list-unstyled col-md-12 col-12">   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X29AO01' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO01" name="577482X4X29" id="answer577482X4X29AO01"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X29othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X29othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X29AO01" class="control-label radio-label"> 满意 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X29AO02' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO02" name="577482X4X29" id="answer577482X4X29AO02"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X29othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X29othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X29AO02" class="control-label radio-label"> 较满意 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X29AO03' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO03" name="577482X4X29" id="answer577482X4X29AO03"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X29othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X29othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X29AO03" class="control-label radio-label"> 一般 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X29AO04' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO04" name="577482X4X29" id="answer577482X4X29AO04"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X29othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X29othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X29AO04" class="control-label radio-label"> 不满意 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row --> </ul>   </div> <input id="java577482X4X29" disabled="disabled" type="hidden" value="" name="java577482X4X29" /> <!-- end of answer -->   </div>       <!-- End of question G01Q06 -->   </div> <!-- End of question 29 -->   <!-- Question 30 --> <div id="question30" class="row list-radio mandatory question-container " >       <!-- Question G01Q07 -->     <!-- Question text --> <div class=" question-title-container col-12 " > <!-- Add a visual information + just Mandatory string for aria : can be improved --> <div class="asterisk float-start"> <sup class="text-danger fa fa-asterisk small" aria-hidden='true'></sup> <span class="visually-hidden text-danger">;(此问题为必答问题)</span> </div>     <span class=' text-muted question-number ' > 7 </span>     <div class=" question-text " > <div id="ls-question-text-577482X4X30" class=" ls-label-question " > <span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="font-family:宋体">该老师的知识讲解是否清晰?</span></span> </div> </div>   </div>       <!-- Survey question help --> <div class=" question-help-container text-info col-12 " >   </div>       <!-- LimeSurvey valid message and help --> <div class=" question-valid-container text-info col-12" > <div class="ls-questionhelp " role="alert" id="vmsg_30" > <div id='vmsg_30_default' class='ls-question-message ls-em-tip em_default'> 请选择一个符合的选项 </div>   </div> </div>       <!-- Answer --> <div class=" answer-container col-12" >   <!-- List Radio -->   <!-- answer -->     <div class="ls-answers answers-list radio-list row" role="radiogroup" aria-labelledby="ls-question-text-577482X4X30"> <!-- on small screen, each column is full widht, so it look like a single colunm--> <ul class="list-unstyled col-md-12 col-12">   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X30AO01' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO01" name="577482X4X30" id="answer577482X4X30AO01"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X30othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X30othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X30AO01" class="control-label radio-label"> 满意 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X30AO02' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO02" name="577482X4X30" id="answer577482X4X30AO02"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X30othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X30othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X30AO02" class="control-label radio-label"> 较满意 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X30AO03' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO03" name="577482X4X30" id="answer577482X4X30AO03"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X30othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X30othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X30AO03" class="control-label radio-label"> 一般 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X30AO04' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO04" name="577482X4X30" id="answer577482X4X30AO04"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X30othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X30othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X30AO04" class="control-label radio-label"> 不满意 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row --> </ul>   </div> <input id="java577482X4X30" disabled="disabled" type="hidden" value="" name="java577482X4X30" /> <!-- end of answer -->   </div>       <!-- End of question G01Q07 -->   </div> <!-- End of question 30 -->   <!-- Question 31 --> <div id="question31" class="row list-radio mandatory question-container " >       <!-- Question G01Q08 -->     <!-- Question text --> <div class=" question-title-container col-12 " > <!-- Add a visual information + just Mandatory string for aria : can be improved --> <div class="asterisk float-start"> <sup class="text-danger fa fa-asterisk small" aria-hidden='true'></sup> <span class="visually-hidden text-danger">;(此问题为必答问题)</span> </div>     <span class=' text-muted question-number ' > 8 </span>     <div class=" question-text " > <div id="ls-question-text-577482X4X31" class=" ls-label-question " > <span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="font-family:宋体">该老师的教学能否激发你的学习兴趣? </span></span> </div> </div>   </div>       <!-- Survey question help --> <div class=" question-help-container text-info col-12 " >   </div>       <!-- LimeSurvey valid message and help --> <div class=" question-valid-container text-info col-12" > <div class="ls-questionhelp " role="alert" id="vmsg_31" > <div id='vmsg_31_default' class='ls-question-message ls-em-tip em_default'> 请选择一个符合的选项 </div>   </div> </div>       <!-- Answer --> <div class=" answer-container col-12" >   <!-- List Radio -->   <!-- answer -->     <div class="ls-answers answers-list radio-list row" role="radiogroup" aria-labelledby="ls-question-text-577482X4X31"> <!-- on small screen, each column is full widht, so it look like a single colunm--> <ul class="list-unstyled col-md-12 col-12">   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X31AO01' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO01" name="577482X4X31" id="answer577482X4X31AO01"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X31othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X31othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X31AO01" class="control-label radio-label"> 经常 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X31AO02' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO02" name="577482X4X31" id="answer577482X4X31AO02"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X31othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X31othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X31AO02" class="control-label radio-label"> 有时 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X31AO03' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO03" name="577482X4X31" id="answer577482X4X31AO03"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X31othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X31othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X31AO03" class="control-label radio-label"> 偶尔 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X31AO04' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO04" name="577482X4X31" id="answer577482X4X31AO04"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X31othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X31othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X31AO04" class="control-label radio-label"> 从不 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row --> </ul>   </div> <input id="java577482X4X31" disabled="disabled" type="hidden" value="" name="java577482X4X31" /> <!-- end of answer -->   </div>       <!-- End of question G01Q08 -->   </div> <!-- End of question 31 -->   <!-- Question 32 --> <div id="question32" class="row list-radio mandatory question-container " >       <!-- Question G01Q09 -->     <!-- Question text --> <div class=" question-title-container col-12 " > <!-- Add a visual information + just Mandatory string for aria : can be improved --> <div class="asterisk float-start"> <sup class="text-danger fa fa-asterisk small" aria-hidden='true'></sup> <span class="visually-hidden text-danger">;(此问题为必答问题)</span> </div>     <span class=' text-muted question-number ' > 9 </span>     <div class=" question-text " > <div id="ls-question-text-577482X4X32" class=" ls-label-question " > <span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span style="font-family:宋体">老师会认真批改你的作业吗?</span></span> </div> </div>   </div>       <!-- Survey question help --> <div class=" question-help-container text-info col-12 " >   </div>       <!-- LimeSurvey valid message and help --> <div class=" question-valid-container text-info col-12" > <div class="ls-questionhelp " role="alert" id="vmsg_32" > <div id='vmsg_32_default' class='ls-question-message ls-em-tip em_default'> 请选择一个符合的选项 </div>   </div> </div>       <!-- Answer --> <div class=" answer-container col-12" >   <!-- List Radio -->   <!-- answer -->     <div class="ls-answers answers-list radio-list row" role="radiogroup" aria-labelledby="ls-question-text-577482X4X32"> <!-- on small screen, each column is full widht, so it look like a single colunm--> <ul class="list-unstyled col-md-12 col-12">   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X32AO01' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO01" name="577482X4X32" id="answer577482X4X32AO01"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X32othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X32othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X32AO01" class="control-label radio-label"> 经常 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X32AO02' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO02" name="577482X4X32" id="answer577482X4X32AO02"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X32othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X32othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X32AO02" class="control-label radio-label"> 有时 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X32AO03' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO03" name="577482X4X32" id="answer577482X4X32AO03"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X32othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X32othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X32AO03" class="control-label radio-label"> 偶尔 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->   <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd577482X4X32AO04' class='answer-item radio-item' > <input type="radio" value="AO04" name="577482X4X32" id="answer577482X4X32AO04"   onclick="if (document.getElementById('answer577482X4X32othertext') != null) document.getElementById('answer577482X4X32othertext').value='';checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type)" /> <label for="answer577482X4X32AO04" class="control-label radio-label"> 从不 </label> </li> <!-- end of answer_row --> </ul>   </div> <input id="java577482X4X32" disabled="disabled" type="hidden" value="" name="java577482X4X32" /> <!-- end of answer 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How can i close the modal?Where can i find it?

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2 days 12 hours ago #269559 by DenisChenu

How can i close the modal?Where can i find it?
I think i don't understand : getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/components/modal/#passing-options

You have all documentation here.

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2 days 7 hours ago #269565 by alasun
[code]    if ($('.input-error').length > 0 || $('.ls-em-error').length > 0 || $('.question-container').length > 0) {
        $('#bootstrap-alert-box-modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function () {
            var $firstError = ($('.input-error').length > 0) ? $('.input-error').first() : $('.ls-em-error').first();
            var $firstUnanswered = $('.question-container').filter(function () {
                // Check if the question is unanswered
                var $inputs = $(this).find('input, textarea, select');
                var isUnanswered = true;
                $inputs.each(function () {
                    if ($(this).is(':checkbox, :radio')) {
                        // If it is a checkbox or radio button, check if at least one option is selected
                        if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
                            isUnanswered = false;
                            return false; // Exit the loop
                    } else if ($(this).is('select')) {
                        // If it is a dropdown box, check if there is a selected option
                        if ($(this).val()) {
                            isUnanswered = false;
                            return false; // Exit the loop
                    } else {
                        // If it is an input box or text area, check if there is a value
                        if ($(this).val().trim()) {
                            isUnanswered = false;
                            return false; // Exit the loop
                return isUnanswered;
            // If there is an error, scroll to the error position first; otherwise, scroll to the first unanswered question
            var $target = $firstError.length ? $firstError : $firstUnanswered;
            if ($target.length) {
                var $pixToScroll = $target.offset().top - 100; // Adjust the scroll position
                $('html, body').animate({
                    scrollTop: $pixToScroll + 'px'
                }, 'fast');
                // Highlight the target element (optional)
                $target.css('border', '2px solid red');
[/code]It requires writing code by users. Doesn't the system have this function built in? Or did I just not find it?

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2 days 4 hours ago - 2 days 4 hours ago #269571 by DenisChenu

Issue to be reported then

Code is here, but not updated (surely) when move from LimeSurvey 5 to 6

Assistance on LimeSurvey forum and LimeSurvey core development are on my free time.
I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH member. - Professional support - Plugins, theme and development .
I don't answer to private message.
Last edit: 2 days 4 hours ago by DenisChenu.

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