as promised, my solutions.
I send three different solutions in ascending order
1. This survey maintains your "question by question" design.
But you have to pay for it.
To calculate the 3x8 displayed questions you need 96 equations.. This way the progressbar starts at about 70% (Do not show it.)
2. The other suveys are displayed in "group by group" design.
But to keep the "golden rule" of online surveys (one question per page) there is only one question in each group.
The advantage is, that now you can place all equations in one question and use a "container" to store the interim results.
Both use the same idea to calculate your questions.
First we create a string "ABCDEFGHabcdefgh" (8 capital letters and 8 small letters to symbolize the 8 pairs)
Now we start by creating a random number from 1 to the length of the string (1-16). Let's say, we get 12.
We grab the letter at position 12 ("d") and store it.
Now we remove both this lowercase letter "d" and the uppercase letter "D".
The remaining string is "ABCEFGHabcefgh"
And we start again by creating a random number from 1 to the length of the string (now 1-14)
At the end we jopin all single letter to the result string ("sRes") like "#dCHaBGeF"
And later we display the questions with the condition "strpos(sRes,'d')>0".
Meaning if the string contains the letter, the question is displayed.
The "#" is used to avoid a result of "0".; "strpos" starts counting at "0".
But "0" also means "not found".
3. This idea is similar to your first with the two groups (one visible, one hidden)
But here each pair of groups only contains the two paired questions.
Because of the same randomization group name of the question one of them is displayed.
And all groups get the same randomization group name on group level.
So all are displayed in randomized order.
Disadvantage: In groups "negative" and "positive" there are 9 pairs. So
9 questions are displayed
You could avoid this by counting the appearance.
In my opinion the last is the best.
But I wanted to show all three (to be honest: the last came to my mind after I had completed the first two), that you may learn some techniques, some options for your further development of surveys.