gsoto wrote: Is that a LimeSurvey setting, or something that we have to set in our server configuration?
The session lifetime is configured via php settings.
The issues you described are typical for a LimeSurvey with a lot of visitors and a server hitting a I/O limit. When a user follows a survey link LimeSurvey triggers the creation of a session file (most common is a session file created in a serverdirectory.
Depeding on the webserver php stack the bottleneck is often not CPU power and RAM, but the storage performance and sometime a storage shortage (depends on where the session files are saved). The sessionsfiles of LimeSurvey are uncommonly big for a php application.
I recommend to use SSD storage with a high I/O throughput. On shared hosting accounts sometimes the session directory is shared with other websites. Which can slow down the sessions operations of PHP when there are a mass of session files. Worst case is many LimeSurvey installations sharing one session directory. There are many things you can tweak and optimize but start with a pure SSD storage.