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Experiences using LS with Google® drive™ spreadsheets©

  • DenisChenu
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8 years 11 months ago #133038 by DenisChenu
Excel : what it is ?

Else : another tool to considerate : docs.datawrapper.de/automatic-data-upload/

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8 years 11 months ago #133560 by Qsgt
This sound like something that I would be interested in however, I do have some questions.

1. Is it possible to define which column a response goes into i.e. is it possible to skip some columns when importing responses so as to have field that utilise a gg formula in the same row as the reposes?
2. Is making the gg sheet publicly viewable as a published html document the only way to have it update or will it still update if I have a private document that I just chare with the necessary people?

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  • Ben_V
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8 years 11 months ago #133564 by Ben_V
Hi..very quickly:
1) yes (it's the standard method)
2) no (you can share the original sheet with only some persons, with or without rights to edit the document)


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8 years 11 months ago #133565 by Qsgt
OK. Thanks for the quick reply but I have some follow up questions:

1. I'm relatively new to XML where would I go to find the standard method?
2. So, if I share the sheet like I would a regular Google Document, it will still update?
3. New Question, is it possible to only export a response to the sheet if there is a value in the response? If so, where do I go to find out how?

Thanks for the help,
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  • Mazi
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8 years 11 months ago #133574 by Mazi
This is a very interesting approach! Thanks for documenting it at the workarounds .

Note that for sending emails to a predefined address if question X was answered "Y" is something that can easily be done from within Limesurvey. That's nothing I'd recommend to use the Google service for.

Best regards/Beste Grüße,
Dr. Marcel Minke
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  • Ben_V
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8 years 11 months ago - 8 years 11 months ago #133670 by Ben_V

qsgt wrote: 1. I'm relatively new to XML where would I go to find the standard method?

(re)read this blog entry from the begining; there are some links to the manual describing the whole process and other pieces of code.

qsgt wrote: 2. So, if I share the sheet like I would a regular Google Document, it will still update?

Yes of course. My experience is that all documents update at least 2 or 3 times hourly.

qsgt wrote: 3. ...is it possible to only export a response to the sheet if there is a value in the response?

Sorry. I don't understand fully the question, but remember that sheets content is linked to the query presented in your xml file... For example if you query included a statement like "where submitdate is not null", incomplete records won't be returned.


Mazi wrote: Note that for sending emails to a predefined address if question X was answered "Y" is something that can easily be done from within Limesurvey

Yes... but for more advanced needs, it's hard to imagine easier and more complete possibilities than those managed with apps script.
For example it's quiet easy to handle:
- Automating a Help Desk Workflow
- blacklists of email addresses or domains (eg. yopmail.com).
- Delayed emails for example x days or months after submission.


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Last edit: 8 years 11 months ago by Ben_V.
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8 years 8 months ago #137690 by mprados
"I made this morning a 2 questions survey sample with the link to the spreadsheet living in the completed message…
I can explain the process later if needed."

I think the link is no longer available, thanks for the follow up!
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  • Ben_V
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8 years 8 months ago - 8 years 8 months ago #137701 by Ben_V

mprados wrote: I think the link is no longer available, thanks for the follow up!

Hi @mprados... I will replace it when I'll have more time.
This said this demo was only made to show that this is fully possible & quiet easy.
So I suggest you to start directly your own test based on what I wrote on the doc.

For users starting with this method, I think the best is first to work with a static xml file...
For example if you want to import the data from:

  1. Create a new GG sheet called "Sheet_1"
  2. Create a new script (Tools => Script editor )
  3. Paste the following script, save and run ( ►)

function getData() {
// related with Sheet "Sheet_1"
//  1. Create headers
// https://zapier.com/blog/google-apps-script-tutorial/
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Create headers
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet_1');
  // Set the headers values
  var values = [
  // Set the range of cells
  var range = sheet.getRange("A1:F1");
  // Call the setValues method on range and pass in our values
//  2. Import data
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
// If .XML file => use semicolon  -> plant_catalog.xml"; "//COMMON"
// If xml generated with .PHP file => use comma -> plant_catalog.xml", "//COMMON"
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
var importCommon = '=IMPORTXML("https://www.xmlfiles.com/examples/plant_catalog.xml"; "//COMMON")';
var importBotanical = '=IMPORTXML("https://www.xmlfiles.com/examples/plant_catalog.xml"; "//BOTANICAL")';
var importZone = '=IMPORTXML("https://www.xmlfiles.com/examples/plant_catalog.xml"; "//ZONE")';
var importLight = '=IMPORTXML("https://www.xmlfiles.com/examples/plant_catalog.xml"; "//LIGHT")';
var importPrice = '=IMPORTXML("https://www.xmlfiles.com/examples/plant_catalog.xml"; "//PRICE")';
var importAvailability = '=IMPORTXML("https://www.xmlfiles.com/examples/plant_catalog.xml"; "//AVAILABILITY")';

That's all :) ...your sheet will now look like:


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Last edit: 8 years 8 months ago by Ben_V.
The following user(s) said Thank You: abudzarr
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7 years 3 weeks ago #163659 by abudzarr
I have followed the above prescription, and I could transfer the limesurvey result to googlesheet. :)

However I end up with an issue. As I have set my questions non-mandatory, some of the responses are 'NULL'. The responses were correctly displayed in the XML file. But IMPORTXML apparently ignores the NULL values, leading to wrong order.

For example the xml codes shown here snag.gy/mGbTYJ.jpg was read into a googlesheet.
The second rater Zul Amali did not rate on REL;

In the google drive, snag.gy/WL3xHT.jpg ,
As you can see the column REL for Zul Amali which should have been empty, is taken up by the next REL value which is 3 in the next node.

I have tried changing xmls:xsi value from default to true, but that did not bring any effect.

I am loss here, any help is much appreciated.
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  • Ben_V
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7 years 3 weeks ago #163661 by Ben_V
Hi @abudzarr,

Your xml file is generated by a php file, right?
In this case you can try to add some php code to replace all null values by a dummy value (like "999")

(it's quiet hard for me to help you without making some huge work to reproduce your issue...)



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7 years 3 weeks ago #163737 by abudzarr
Thanks Ben. I did not like '6' to appear in my list of responses, but I guess, having the show 'no answer' option ON would have solved the whole problem. It would relieved me the learning curve to get that php snippets you are talking about.

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  • Ben_V
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7 years 3 weeks ago - 7 years 3 weeks ago #163740 by Ben_V
How many "not mandatory" questions (included in xml file) do you have ?


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Last edit: 7 years 3 weeks ago by Ben_V.
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