Hey Limexperts,
I want to do a 360°-Feedback with LimeSurvey for round about 30 executives. Everything is fine so far. The template, the groups and questions are clear and already implemented.
My problem is, that the participants will have to do a self-evaluation and have to give feedback to about 5 peers or more within a week or something. I want to support the participants as good as possible in organizing that process.
My ideal image is an individualized interface for each participant that lists all feedbacks (surveys) the participant has to complete, e.g. one self-evaluation, 3 feedbaks for 3 different peers, 1 feedback for a member of staff. OK, that's some kind of work for 30 executives, but also easy. But: Do you know any setting (or plugin, script, whatever) to report the status of each listed survey in such an interface? I want the participants to be informed about all feedbacks they already have given and those they still need to work on.
Do you know any solution?
Who has experiences with SurveyPress? The plugin wasn't updated for years. But if you can tell me, it might help me, i am ready to install an old wordpress version.
Maybe someone has experience with this:
API documentation on remote control for LimeSurvey
I would be very grateful for any help, advice or ideas!